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The ball is still rolling with momentum!

The more we rent out our house through Air BnB the more I am motivated to move back NE and get this B&B open and started! I've been tossing ideas around in my head and bouncing off of others to find a unique way to run my BnB and I think I have it!

CHOOSE A THEME BNB: It'll be like a choose-your-own adventure theme, personalized & customized to the experience you want! For example, how many people, pets, kids, purpose of traveling, choose a theme, choose a mood/ambiance (ie mystery dinner, birthday parties, romantic, jungle, tour of the area, game show, etc). Surprises are left in store for those who book!

MUST HAVES: Last night, during dart night with Ian & Bobby, we decided upon "must haves". When we find a location that meets our criteria, we'll jump on it! So far we have the following:

- obviously within budget (undetermined yet)

-noise welcome location (aka privacy)

-water access

-proximity to satisfy many desires (skiing, boating, hiking, expanding, etc)

-ability to host a significant party

-separate living quarters for us!

Right now we are still very much interested in Collingwood, Ontario! Blue Mountain, the lakes/bays, proximity to family/friends, healthcare system, and beautiful healthy sustainable environment, family-friendly, 4 season location! We DO have to live there for 3 months before being considered a resident and avoiding the non-resident major taxes.

Developed & posted first questionnaire on Facebook page today ~ with link to Survey Monkey. Will see if anyone even responds. It may not be the best source, but that'll help me determine as well how to market/get valuable input. Til whenever next time may be! ~M

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